EeBra StyleEeBra Style

Wear sponge bra will not cause sagging breasts?It depends on how to wear

Sponge bra is the most common type of thick cup bra, due to its "thick", can simply and effectively create a beautiful female S curve, instantly multiply the femininity, for small chest flat chest girls wearing sponge bra is the safest way to beauty, so almost all the lingerie brands have sponge bra.


Of course, the sponge bra also has its flaws, that is, the breathability is not very good, as for the sponge bra has no poison, the bra pavilion in the previous lingerie knowledge has been shared in detail, you can go to understand, today I want to share is about often wear a sponge bra will not cause the problem of sagging chest.

I think the girls who question whether wearing a sponge bra will cause sagging of the chest, the main doubt lies in the design concept of the sponge bra do not understand, always think that wearing a thick cup bra will squeeze the chest / pressure chest, in fact, this idea is wrong.

The reason is simple, because the sponge in the sponge bra, just a class of filling within the bra cup, that is, the sponge is only pressed film / folder in the cup sandwich inside, and does not affect the size of the cup capacity.

As an example.

A cup of thin cup bra and A cup of sponge bra, no matter how thick the sponge, the size of the cup is still A cup, and will not make the cup smaller and pressure chest, the difference is that the sponge bra is more stylish, so often wear sponge bra will not cause the chest sagging.

Of course, it must be said that often wear sponge bra will not cause chest sagging, from the design concept of thick cup bra alone to understand or not enough, because there is a situation often wear sponge bra will cause chest sagging, that is, with too tight outerwear clothing.

You know, too tight outerwear will directly squeeze to the thick sponge bra, and then squeeze to the chest, eventually causing the chest flat, breast fat side overflow sagging like a disc.

So, about often wear sponge bra will not cause chest sagging problem, we should be clear that the sponge bra itself is not squeezed to the chest, the key is whether the outerwear is too tight, if not, then wear sponge bra will not cause chest sagging, even chest deformation and other chest problems. Therefore, I recommend that you wear a sponge bra, should not be with too tight outerwear, although temporarily can highlight the beauty of a woman's lines, but in the long run is extremely detrimental to maintaining the chest shape and chest health

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