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Women wear sports underwear for a long time the health hazards, you need to know

Speaking of sports underwear, I believe that we are not unfamiliar, especially in recent years, a variety of APP, WeChat on the great propaganda women wear sports underwear how how good, undeniable women in doing sports, wear sports underwear can maximize the protection of the breasts and reduce chest shaking, but few people mentioned the hazards of girls wearing sports underwear for a long time, we are often asked to wear sports underwear for a long time We are often asked to wear sports bras for a long time, sports bras can be worn daily, sports undershirts can be worn as underwear and so on, the following can not wear sports underwear to a unified answer it!


1, why wear sports underwear?
As a woman, appropriate to do some yoga, slimming exercises, light ball, running, jumping rope and so on sports, as long as attention to the right amount of women, whether from health or beauty are beneficial. However, when you do sports, pay special attention to breast protection to avoid being hurt.

And specifically as a girl in doing sports when wearing sports underwear, to wear a tight and stable undershirt model, coupled with a high elasticity of the material fabric, effectively fixing and protecting the breasts, to prevent girls in the movement, the chest wobbling around, to reduce girls due to strenuous exercise caused by breast pain or sagging feeling and so on.

Therefore, I think that women's sports regardless of what intensity, you need to pick the corresponding sports underwear to protect the chest according to the intensity of different sports, because the breast is no bone and muscle support, otherwise the girl's chest will be subject to vibration, and sports underwear moisture absorption and quick-drying characteristics, fully cater to the sports chest sweat more, taste big wearing needs.

2, the harm of wearing sports underwear for a long time
Although sports underwear can maximize the protection of the breast, reduce chest shaking and friction, but, in ordinary daily life (non-sports state), long-term wear sports underwear is harmful, as the saying goes, "success is also wind and cloud defeat also wind and cloud".

Because the sports underwear models are designed to increase the contact area between the breasts and the pectoral muscles, improve the friction, thereby reducing the magnitude and frequency of breast swaying. Simply put: sports underwear to the breast has a backward force to do more fixed and compressed breast effect, which is why the sports bra to wear up the chest flat reason.

In addition, the positioning of sports underwear is the girl sports underwear, so in the fabric are based on high elasticity, fast dryness, perspiration, so the high elasticity of the material fabric determines the wearing of sports underwear tight feeling, you know that long-term through tight underwear is not a healthy attitude to life Oh!

And the ordinary underwear worn in everyday life, the main role is to properly fix the breast and support the breast, ordinary underwear force direction is upward lift, and sports underwear to the breast back compression force is a fundamental difference!

At the end of writing, about the harm of women wearing sports underwear for a long time, it is shared here. It is not recommended to wear sports underwear for a long time, the most important reason is that sports underwear has a backward compression force on the breasts, if worn every day, it will squeeze the chest flat deflated like a disc, so that the chest deformation, and strangulation of the tight directly affects the blood circulation of the chest, in the long run will greatly affect the normal growth of breast connective tissue, inducing a variety of breast diseases, the loss is not worth the gain!

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